Atone Chiropractic Free "Kick The Sick" Webinar
March 19th, 2020 6:45pm
In addition to COVID-19, it’s that time of year when you start dreading all the germs your kids will be exposed to. It’s one cough after another and one sick day after another. From quarantined days to sleepless nights, your entire family is EXHAUSTED! You’re tired of standing in the drugstore aisle deciding what to buy...4-hour relief? 12-hour relief?
What if you could find relief for MORE than 12 hours? What if the relief had no warning labels and could stop the cycle of getting the cold that leads to the sore throat that leads to the cough that never seems to go away?
Atone Chiropractic is ready to dive deep into the reasons for stress on the nervous system, inflammation in the gut, and suppression of the immune system. Join Atone Chiropractic for Kick The Sick online on Thursday, March 19th at 6:45pm!