Our Mission
Saint Agatha Catholic School, in partnership with the parish, fosters academic excellence and social responsibility, so all students learn, live and thrive in faith.
Our Beliefs
We at Saint Agatha School promote the pursuit of excellence in education with the following beliefs:
1.) Each student is a valued individual created in God's likeness with unique gifts and talents.
2.) Each student develops into responsible Catholic citizens through faith formation and service learning.
3.) Each student learns by engaging in the learning process and having appropriate and varied opportunities to demonstrate knowledge.
4.) Each student demonstrates their understanding of essential knowledge and skills by actively producing quality work to become confident lifelong learners.
The Saint Agatha Difference
We are so delighted you are considering Saint Agatha School for your child's education. We know your family has many options. As you make this important decision, we invite you to visit Saint Agatha School and see firsthand what makes our school a special place – a place where children not only learn and grow, but truly thrive.
At Saint Agatha, your child will receive an exceptional Catholic education. In fact, our students consistently perform well on statewide testing, exceeding the performance levels of students at other Diocesan schools and Upper Arlington City Schools. Saint Agatha School has been awarded the National Blue Ribbon Award of Excellence three times - in 1985, 2000, and 2015. In addition to our academic excellence, Saint Agatha’s highly qualified teachers are committed to working in partnership with parents to instill in our students the same high values and expectations that you work on in the home.
Saint Agatha is a special place; an amazing environment where children not only learn, but thrive; becoming thoughtful, well-rounded, and well-educated students who are comfortable with themselves and exceedingly well-prepared for everything the world has to offer. The Saint Agatha difference: Learning, Living, Thriving has earned us the U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award three times.
We offer Preschool (3-year-old, 4-year-old, and pre-kindergarten) and Kindergarten through eight. Our Childcare Program provides a structured both Before Care and After School Program.
Our door is always open for a personal tour! Simply call the school office at 614-488-9000 or contact us to schedule an appointment. We are confident that the moment you walk in the front door, you will witness a very different educational environment – one where students are learning to become thoughtful, well-rounded, and well educated; are comfortable with themselves; and share a sense of community and belonging.
Visit www.SaintAgathaSchool.org to find out more.
To request more information, visit click here.
Principal - Veronica Stemen - vstemen@cdeducation.org
Assistant Principal - Erica Gowitzka - egowitzka@cdeducation.org